Videoder Youtube Downloader – Android Source



Now Upload your own Videoder Youtube Downloader on android app storeas and start generating revenues instantly.


Youtube Full Source Code
Ads are already integrated, you just need to change the ad id’s , change package name, make an icon and upload the app
start generating revenues instantly


1) Use the latest “JUNO Eclipse”, please import all the projects in the eclipse. You are done.

2) Now you need to chane the package name.

3) Channge your ad id’s


Open File project/res/values/strings.xml

Add your admob and startappid

admob banner ID

admob interstitial ID



If you want to enable or disable banner or interstitial ids please open the file

Source file named

public static final boolean STARTAPP_FULL_SCREEN_ADS = false;

public static final boolean STARTAPP_BANNER_ADS = true;

public static final boolean ADMOB_BANNER_ADS = false;

public static final boolean ADMOB_FULLSCREEN_ADS = true;

Whichever ads you want you may enable or disable.

Set the Boolean to “true” to enable.

Set the Boolean to “false” to disable


Only one full screen and one banner ad will be true.


Note: There will be one fullscreen ad present in YTSDK library which cannot be removed.

