Maniac – Admin Template


This Admin Template Is Created Using Bootstrap 4.1.3, Admin Template Is Responsive and user friendly for mobile. made with a comfortable coloring transition in the eye. so that your members will not feel sore because they see colors that are too bright / too dark.

This template has some of the best plugins that are often used such as bootstrap, sweet alerts, and so on, so whatever your website type, this admin template will be perfect for you. especially at very cheap prices (only 10 $)


Using Module / Plugins 

1. bootstrap

2. bootstrap-colorpicker

3. bootstrap-daterangepicker

4. bootstrap-social

5. bootstrap-tagsinput

6. chart.min.js

7. chocolat

8. cleave-js

9. codemirror

10. datatables

11. dropzonejs

12. flag-icon-css

13. fontawesome

14. fullcalendar

15. gmaps.js

16. ionicons

17. izitoast

18. jquery-pwstrength

19. jquery-selectric

20. jquery-ui

21. jquery.min.js

22. jquery.sparkline.min.js

23. jqvmap

24. moment.min.js

25. nicescroll

26. owlcarousel2

27. perfect-scrollbar

28. popper.js

29. prism

30. select2

31. simple-weather

32. sticky-kit.js

33. summernote

34. sweetalert

35. tooltip.js

36. upload-preview

37. weather-icon


Bootstrap 4.3.1


For Structure Code/ Folder You can check on documentation , or create new admin you can use blank.html
