Tic Tac Toe – Android Source Code


Tic Tac Toe is a two-player game, called X and O, who alternate marking spaces in 3 × 3 networks. A player who succeeds in placing three specific marks in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row wins. It is a great way to pass the time by playing Tic Tac Toe. We prepared simple version for everyone! 

DEMO : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1UeanPZAJRxtXN8OJwMqmBZ3AIFAOs-4z


— Beatuful & Minimalistic Design
— Single and 2 player mode
— 4 difficulty levels & Random mood
— Either you or the computer can move first
— Great graphics and exciting sound effects 
— Configurable player names and score tracking 


  • Android Studio


Check file “README” in folder 
