Admin Dashboard With DB SQL


Admin Dashboard with DB SQL, is html and php template, connecting with your MySQL database.

Is a clean and minimal website template. The site canvas is responsive, powered by Bootstrap Framework.

The template contain 44 php pages. Made with bootstrap v4.1.1. Contains also html, css, js, jquery files, sql files.

·         You have to login with user: test_01 and password: test_01  /  or register with new user and password

·         You can add, delete, insert, update, view the data from database


Admin Dashboard and DB SQL v1


·         Apache server

·         PHP >= 5.4

·         MySQL Database

.         PHP extension: mysqli


You have to login with user: test_01 and password: test_01  /  or register with new user and password.


·         Extract the archive file on your machine that you have downloaded from codester.

·         Copy the admin_template_with_db folder to your application source directory (Like as E:xampphtdocs).

·         Import Database from sql file: admin_tempplate.sql

·         Change database connection in config.php from folder includes

      // Database Constants

defined(‘DB_SERVER’)     ? null : define(“DB_SERVER”,”localhost”);

defined(‘DB_USER’)          ? null : define(“DB_USER”,”user”);

defined(‘DB_PASS’)          ? null : define(“DB_PASS”,”pass”);

defined(‘DB_NAME’)          ? null : define(“DB_NAME”,”db_name”);

·         Change ‘server_name’ and ‘folder_name’ in file named initialize.php from folder includes

          defined(‘SITE_ROOT’) ? null : define(‘SITE_ROOT’,DS.’home’.DS.’server_name’.DS.’subfolder_name’);

//defined(‘SITE_ROOT’) ? null : define(‘SITE_ROOT’,DS.’xampp’.DS.’htdocs’.DS.’folder_website_name’.DS.’admin’);

·         Browse the admin_template using suggested browser

How to use in browser:

·         You have to login with user: test_01 and password: test_01  /  or register with new user and password

·         You can add, delete, insert, update, view the data from database
