Fishing – Unity Complete Project


You are a simple fisherman in a simple boat and have to catch fish to
feed your family! But you have limited time to do so and have to do your
best to catch as many fish as you can during the available time. Your
fishing rod moves automatically and you just have to tap the screen to
send down the hook and catch one of the fishes that are moving in the
water. Every time that you catch a fish, you will earn a score and will
also get some additional time. But beware of the black fish that swims
near the surface! It can block your hook and will also eat the fishes
that you catch!


–  Simple yet challenging gameplay
–  Easy to customize
–  Difficulty curve that will increase as you progress


Unity 3D version 2018.3.13f1 or higher


Install unity 2018.3.13f1 or higher version to load up the project and
see the read me file for details about editing, reskining and etc.
