Confessions PHP Script


Confessions PHP Script is Anonymous Social network. People can fess up their darkest and deepest secrets anonymously. Script is using BootStrap 4 and it’s responsive.


  • Leave Anonymous confessions & comments
  • Voting Up/Down on confessions & comments
  • Smileys in Confessions & comments
  • Youtube embed support for Youtube links in Confessions
  • AJAX Infinite Loading

Currently there is no approving of confessions or comments, but there is a limit of 1 confession in 24h. In database IP address for every confession and comment is stored in database.

If you have ideas for new features just send us a message and we will be happy to implement it in our script.

 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Prevention of voting abuse for confessions and comments - Script code & Database optimization - Sorting by likes, dislikes, comments  - Deleting confessions via front-end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Meta description summary of confessions - OG Image - RSS Feeds for confessions (You can submit it to google) - Google Analytics - add your code to includes/ganalytics.php - Bad Words filter - Switched to Invisible reCaptcha - Sorting by Popularity (Likes minus dislikes) - Smileys fix - Nicknames in comments ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Google reCaptcha - against spammers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Final PHP touch - Code now adheres to PSR-2 standards - PACE top loader for nicer user experience ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     - Users from same IP can't post more than one confession in 24h.       (as addition to cookie validation, to prevent spam) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     - A lot of code enchantments for better security and readability ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     - Infinite loading of Confessions on scroll ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     - Title tags     - FB Share button for single confession page     - Voting Up/Down on comments      - SMILEYS in confessions and comments     - Minor Fixes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     - Like, Dislike & Comment button change     - Bug Fixes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     - Initial release       


  • MySQL
  • PHP
  • nd_mysqli PHP extension – This can be enabled with most hosting providers by going to the PHP Selector, unticking mysqli and ticking nd_mysqli
  • Shared hosting & domain



  • Place all of these files to folder where you want to install Confessions script
  • Get your database connection data ready 
  • Open URL where files are located, it should redirect you to Installer right away (if not, installer is located here



If you are running 1.8 version please select your database in phpMyAdmin and import upgrade_to_1.9.sql file


If you want to translate Confessions to your language you just need to edit 2 files:
assets/js/lang_strings.js & includes/lang_strings.php

Facebook Share button

For Facebook sharing to work perfectly you need to specify an “APP ID”  inside:


You will find this:

 var appid = "";     

Just add your APP ID within “” like this:

 var appid = "123456789";     

Activate Google reCaptcha: 

edit file: includes/rc_setting.php

Follow instructions in the file

Google Analytics 

Edit file: includes/ganalytics.php

Admin Panel – Deleting Confessions

As of 1.9 we made deleting confessions much easier.
Visit /administration
and authenticate with credentials 

user: admin
pass: iloveu

To change credentials edit “administration/login.php” file
