DBB – DataBase Backup System PHP


DBB is a DataBase Backup System that allows you to efficiently backup your database with ease. It is a standalone web app that function as a backup manager for your database.

It is fast/easy and doesn’t require login.


  • Responsive design.
  • Easy to install and use.
  • Backup database.


  • PHP >= 5.4
  • Apache >= 2.4


1. Uploading the files

Upload the content inside the folder Script folder into your default FTP root folder. Usually it is public_html or htdocs. If you don’t want to use the script in your root folder, simply create a new directory and upload the files there.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Upload what is inside the Script folder.

2. Running the installer

Now, after you have uploaded everything, open your website in a new tab and that is all.
( http://example.com/ or http://example.com/dbb/ ).
