Doravante Tumblr Theme


Doravante is a theme of easy customization, and have lots of variables for you to leave it more like your taste. It supports all types of publications and works perfectly on mobile devices, so you can use it wherever you are.


  1. Responsive layout
  2. One, Two or Three Columns
  3. Search box
  4. Disqus comments
  5. Support for colective blogs
  6. High-resolution
  7. Media share links
  8. Custom fonts
  9. Custom colors
  10. Sidebar No/Yes
  11. Tags No/Yes
  12. Borders No/Yes
  13. And More…


  • Tumblr account.


  1. Copy all code from the .html or .txt file
  2. Go to the Tumblr customization page > In edit html > Paste all > Update > Save.
  3. That’s it!
