Code Minifier Script


Minification (minify / compress / ) is the process of compression code from the original size to the smallest size and does not affect to the operation of the code. The process will removes or modifies some unnecessary characters from the code. Removes characters as white space, new line, comment out code… modifies as HEX color, defined variable to minified character… Finally, all the code will on one line.

Minification process can reduce 10% – 95% the size of code! This will help the website running faster and then get high Search Engine Optimization (SEO) score. This’s also a way to save resources on web server, of course!


  • Supporting minification of JavaScript, CSS, HTML and PHP resources.
  • Using ajax technology
  • Unique responsive design
  • Simple and clean-looking template


  • Server with PHP


  • Unpack all files from zip
  • Paste all unpacked files to folder allowed for web server
  • Open the URL where you just copied the files
  • Done
