Super 404 HTML Template


This Well-Documented product will help you to set special pages for all type of wrong pages. Why should a visitor see 404 error page and waste time? Simply redirect the visitors of all wrong or broken pages to homepage


Oops! There are actually 5 top error pages

  • 400 Bad Request : Syntax of the request not understood by the server.
  • 401 Not Authorized : Request requires user authentication
  • 403 Forbidden : Server refuses to fulfill the request.
  • 404 Not Found : Document or file requested by the client was not found.
  • 500 Internal Server Error : Request unsuccessful because of an unexpected condition encountered by the server.

This one product covers everything without any extra fee. Additionally shows
how to translate this special pages to any language easily


You can test live just in this website. If you type something on random basis after, and press enter – you will be transferred to homepage immediately. 

You will just need a Notepad software to customize the template for your own website.


3 different samples

You are getting 3 different type of 404 pages in this product

  • Transfers to homepage after 10 seconds showing a message
  • Transfers to homepage immediately
  • If you want to set the 404 page in different language

Don’t forget that, the Documentation is included to guide you to convert 404 pages to 400, 401, 403, 500 pages also


Not important! Just to increase knowledge, you can read this article to know all http status codes
