Astrum – Fresh & Clean App Landing Bootstrap Theme



Fresh &  Clean App Landing Page Bootstrap Theme

Astrum is the new clean & beautiful one page theme for app presentation. Designed to be responsive

and satisfy all your needs. It is full of graphics and color schemes. At now there are four:





Less sources included. It means you can create even more with just five lines of code!

All schemes are fully separated from each other. It allows not to worry about extra styles in production.

All graphics included. No blurred images or something like that.

Phone and tablet vector images are also included. You can add app screen-shots with mobile devices without graphics editor. Just place tags and classes to your markup.

A few dependencies. No problems with page load time and performance.

Seven dependencies. Not so much.

Don’t want to waste your time editing something?

  – No problem! Just use included ready for production version.

Need a branded color scheme?

  – Sure! Use Less files to generate whatever you want.

Found a bug or have a suggestion?

  – We are open for conversation! Contact us.


Responsive design;

 Four predefined color schemes;

 Producton and development versions;


 Less styles;

 Phone and tablet vector files (svg);

 Background images for each color scheme;

 Compiled styles and Javascripts (both: development and production versions);

Html markup for each color scheme;


Web server


To create  your own color schemes or modify style you need to install Less preprocessor.

For credits and used third party libraries see 

Use paths.less to define paths to third-party libraries. After that you can build full boundle

(boundle.less) or only main style (main.less).

