Adminer – PHP Authentication And User Management


Adminer is a powerful User Authentication & User Management PHP Application developed using the Codeigniter
3.1.10 framework. The Adminer User Authentication system is almost powerful than any other script in the 
codecanyon and the reason is listed below

:::User Authentication:::
1. Secure Password Hashing
2. Authentication Throttling
3. Login using Email & Password
4. Login using Mobile Number & OTP
5. Registration
6. 2 Factor Authentication using TOTP 
7. Reset Password (Including Email Template)
8. Email & Mobile Verification (Including Email Template)

:::User Management:::
1. Unlimited (Dynamic) Roles, Modules & Permissions with CURD Operations
2. Default Permissions assigned to the Controller methods (For e.g., delete() method of Codeigniter controller required logged in user to have delete_permission to that module)
3. Conditional Display (Edit option with be only displayed for the users with edit_permission)
4. Login Activity Reports

:::Other Features:::
1. Responsive Admin Panel (Admin LTE)
2. Well Documented
3. Great Support


Email: [email protected]
Password: adminer@123


  • Feature one
  • Feature two
  • Feature three
